The 7 Different Chakra Colours and Meanings

The 7 Chakra Centres

Chakras are energy centers that are connected to our body, that control how our body relates to the Universal energy that surrounds it. There are 7 chakras  and all the 7 chakras work together to “step down” the Universal energy so that it can be absorbed by the body in an acceptable frequency. The 7 chakras should always be in the right balance and allow for just the right flow of energy, not more, not less.

When the chakras are unbalanced it affects our day-to-day life – we do badly at work, we mess up our relationships, remain lethargic, lack in concentration and are likely to be wracked with guilt, unhappiness,  worry, anxiety and depression.

That is why it is important that the chakras are always functioning properly and are in the right balance – which is what chakra healing ensures. In this article, we discuss the 7 chakra colours and what they mean to our us – to our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. Read on!

The 7 Chakras That Have Such a Great Effect On Us Are:

The First Chakra or the Root Chakra  – Red

The Root Chakra is associated with the colour red. The Root Chakra is present at the base of the spine, and it projects our basic survival instinct, our loyalties to our family or to a group, whether we feel accepted, or not.

People who have the Root Chakra are strong and resilient, are very instinctive, make excellent leaders, are highly confident and brilliant in decision making. When the Root Chakra becomes unbalanced, one sees a rise in worries and anxieties.

The Second or Sacral Chakra – Orange

The Sacral Chakra is linked to the colour orange. It lies below the navel, which signifies birth, and hence is directly related to creativity in people. Those who have an excellent balance of the Sacral Chakra are highly creative people – artists, musicians, writers, poets, designers and architects.

Even the most daring entrepreneurs are said to have the right balance of this chakra. When this chakra becomes unbalanced, we witness a breakdown in creativity, such as a writers block, which is feared by all writers.

The Third or Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow

Associated with the colour yellow, the Solar Plexus Chakra is located at the Solar Plexus – between the sternum and the navel. This chakra manages our intellect and self-esteem. People who have the right balance of the Solar Plexus Chakra are achievers in life, go-getters, who get what they desire and reach their goals.

If this chakra is unbalanced, one may be frustrated by a string of failures, be highly negative and feel desperate.

The Fourth or Heart Chakra – Emerald Green

Linked to the colour emerland green, the Heart Chakra is very popular because it relates to the heart  and feelings of love and compassion.  Those who have this chakra in balance feel a sense of oneness with their spiritual selves and are in a state of complete peace and tranquillity in their lives.

They accept love and give it back, connect well with their family and friends and are generally very happy. Those who have an unbalanced Heart Chakra are likely to be lonely and depressed because of a lack of love in their lives.

The Fifth or Throat Chakra -Sapphire Blue

Associated with the colour Sapphire Blue, the Throat Chakra as the name implies, is located in the throat. It relates to how we express ourselves or communicate.

Those with a strong Throat Chakra are very good at expressing their thoughts and dreams, and are quite fearless about speaking the truth. When this chakra is unbalanced,  one may think twice before speaking out and worry constantly about the reaction of other people to him or her.

The Sixth or Third Eye Chakra – Indigo

The Third Eye Chakra is linked to the colour indigo. It’s located right in between the eyes, well within our sight, and those who are said to have this chakra in the right balace are known to have highly intuitive abilities, even psychic abilities.

Indeed, the Third Eye Chakra is specifically the energy center for psychics and inspires wisdom and trust in other people. Those who don’t have it in balance are wracked by self-doubt and lack of trust.

The Seventh or Crown Chakra – Violet

The Crown Chakra is linked to the colour violet and is present right at the top of the head. It relates to a higher level of consciousness and signifies advanced spiritual knowledge.

Those who have the Crown Chakra in the right balance are highly spiritual and have an excellent appreciation and awareness of who they are, their goal in life and the path that leads to enlightenment. When this chakra is unbalanced, a person is likely to lack in spiritual beliefs and may never reach enlightenment.

7 Full Spectrum Chakra Jewellery For Men and Women

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