Are My Chakras Out of Balance?

Chakra Bracelet With Large Stones
Chakra Bracelet With Large Stones

Are Your Chakras Unbalanced?

While many people have heard about “chakras,” very few really understand what they truly mean. There are a lot of people who are also curious about the benefits of chakras and wonder about the miraculous powers of chakra healing for their health and general well-being. Here, we give a quick overview of chakras and chakra healing, and go into specific details such as – are your chakras unbalanced, and what do we mean by that, exactly? Read on!

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers intrinsically linked to the physical body. There are seven energy centers or chakras connected to your body, they are completely invisible to the naked eye, and only clairvoyants are known to see them or feel them. What is certain, though, is that these chakras have a strong effect on your physical body, affecting your mental, spiritual and emotional state.

What do the Chakras do, exactly?

One way of understanding chakras is to compare them to an  adaptor or transformer. An adaptor converts the electrical energy that is supplied directly to your house into a much weaker form, which can be accepted by your iPhone or stereo system. If your iPhone or stereo system is to be directly connected to the electric supply without an adapter in between, they would be burnt out.

This is what the chakras do – they ensure that the Universal energy that all around you is made available to you at the right frequency, after having been suitably mellowed down by the chakras. In other words, chakras step down the flow of Universal energy to your body.

The Seven Chakras

There are seven chakras and each has an effect on your body.

  1. The First Chakra:  Related to the survival instinct
  2. The Second Chakra: Related to pleasure, sexuality
  3. The Third Chakra: Relates to the willpower
  4. The Fourth Chakra: Relates to love, compassion and empathy
  5. The Fifth Chakra: Relates to your expression of the truth
  6. The Sixth Chakra:  Related to your intuition and sixth sense
  7. The Seventh Chakra: Related to your spirituality and higher purpose in life

What do you mean by Chakras losing their balance?

All the seven chakras spin to an extent. When our chakras are functioning perfectly, they are in perfect balance and spin freely. However, whenever we face with a sadness in life, or a certain difficulty, we end up unconsciously blocking the energy that flows through the chakras. This causes an imbalance in the chakras – they are either spinning too fast, or too slow.

What happens if the Chakras are unbalanced?

When the chakras lose their balance, the entire system gets affected. Compare this to your laptop. Even if there is a single flaw in your laptop – such as, say, the laptop fan is malfunctioning – that affects the working of the whole laptop, and because of the big irritating sound caused by the faulty laptop fan, you won’t be able to work on your computer in peace. This is what happens to your body when the chakras are unbalanced because of a single, highly disturbing experience, an injury, a shock or a disappointment.

How do you know your chakras are unbalanced?

If you spend the whole day surfing internet porn or watching TV at home rather than working or going out with friends, if you stay depressed most of the time, don’t clean up the house, don’t take good care of your appearance, don’t feel like exercising – then it is possible that your chakras are unbalanced and  under functioning – perhaps, you are in definite need of Chakra Healing.

It’s not your fault

You have to remember this about your chakras being imbalanced – it’s not your fault! Perhaps this has happened because of a painful childhood experience beyond your control,  loss of a loved one or end of a serious relationship.

But this is not your fault, and it was meant to be, there is nothing you could have done to stop them from happening to you. You must learn to accept these things, and understand that you have drawn them to yourself, so that you can grow and evolve.

How to bring the balance back to your chakras?

Brining the chakras back into balance is what chakra healing is all about.  With chakra healing, you’ll see a balancing of your physical, emotional and spiritual states, and feel a new sense of calm as you find your life gradually transform itself as your chakras recover their original balance.

As you balance your life – work, relationships and spiritual activities, you will gradually feel your life transform as your chakras come back into balance.

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