What is Chakra Jewellery?

Small Stones Chakra Bracelet

Chakra Jewellery – What You Need To Know

Chakras are energy centers connected to our body that dictate our physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. There are 7 Chakras and it is important for all the Chakras to be in balance – if the Chakras become unbalanced or blocked, a person’s life gets badly affected, and the body, mind and spirit don’t function at their best.

Chakras can be balanced and the blocks cleared with the help of Chakra colours, crystals and sounds. We discuss the use of Chakra stones used in the Chakra bracelet and the chakra jewellery and how they enable Chakra Healing, and bring a healthy balance back into a person’s life. Read on.

What is a Chakra Bracelet or Chakra Jewellery?

Bringing the Chakras back into balance or removing the blocks that inhibit the Chakras can be made possible by wearing a piece of jewellery that has seven Chakra stones, each stone representing one of the seven Chakras.

It is also a good idea to focus on a specific Chakra and wear Chakra jewellery or a Chakra bracelet focused on that particular stone, as you probably feel that one particular Chakra is out of balance in your body and you wish to emphasize on that, ensure that this Chakra expresses itself better for a certain period of time.

This helps you to deal better with certain events happening in your life, perhaps to improve certain facets of your personality, or help with your spiritual progress. Wearing Chakra jewellery or a Chakra bracelet that features gemstones corresponding to a specific Chakra helps in strengthening a related aspect of your personality.

The Chakra Stones

Each of the Chakra Stone used in Chakra jewellery or a Chakra bracelet is associated with a certain Chakra color. The enchanting beauty of these Chakra stones and their color makes them such a delightful sight.

They are precious gifts from the earth, they bring us harmony, joy and serve as a strong connection between ourselves and Mother Earth. They heal us, and show us the path to our spiritual development.

Here, we discuss the most popular Chakra stones associated with each of the Chakras.

The First Chakra or The Root Chakra:

Rubies are very popular stones that are used with the Root Chakra. They are of the color red, and signify action, energy, a solid grounding, ability to survive and security. The messages associated with the Rubies are: “I am safe and secure all the times. I love my feet as it gives me support.  . I love my feet, they show me the way.”

Second Chakra or The Sacral Chakra:

Topaz is associated with the Sacral Chakra and are of the color  orange. These stones represent sexuality, joy and a general feeling of well-being. When you wear Topaz as a part of your Chakra jewellery or Chakra Bracelet, the message being conveyed is, “I enjoy my sexuality tremendously”.

Third Chakra or The Solar Plexus Chakra:

The yellow colored Citrine is the stone associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.   It relates to power and wisdom, signifies optimism and sends out the message: “I trust my worthiness, I am worthy of the very best life.”

Fourth Chakra or The Heart Chakra:

The Emerland is linked to the Heart Chakra, and it is of the color of nature – green. It signifies unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, brings peace and harmony to our lives. The message is:   “Love is the purpose of my life, Love is everywhere.”

Fifth Chakra or The Throat Chakra:

The blue colored Amethyst is the stone linked to the Throat Chakra. It is said to inspire us, bring creativity, self-expression, faith in ourselves and trust in others. It sends out the message: “I am feeling safe to express my feelings.”

Sixth Chakra or The Brow Chakra:

The Turquoise is the stone associated with the Brow Chakra, as it is a combination of the colors blue and violet –the color indigo. It relates to knowledge, dignity and intuition and sends out the message, “I am following my intuitions. I am open to new ideas, people and situations.”

Seventh Chakra or The Crown Chakra:

The Crown Chakra is associated with spiritual enlightenment and is a perfect combination of red and blue – the color purple. Quartz is the stone linked with the Crown Chakra and signifies a union with the universe, provides a spiritual vision and controls our desire for materialistic wants and gains.

The message you send out by making Quartz a part of your Chakra Jewellery or Chakra bracelet is, “I am divinely protected and guided, I am at peace.”

7 Full Spectrum Chakra Jewellery For Men and Women

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