The Health Benefits From Wearing Magnetic Bracelets And Bangles

Magnetic Copper Bracelet
Magnetic Copper Bracelet

Having origins as far back as ancient China 200 B.C. magnetic bracelets and bangles pose many health benefits. Although very controversial, magnetic jewellery remains a popular alternative therapy for a number of ailments. There are some opponents that say you won’t experience benefits when you wear magnetic jewellery. The question remains, will you experience health benefits from magnetic bracelets, bangles, and necklaces?

The poles on magnetic jewellery are usually distinguished by color: a green dot for negative, and a red dot to distinguish the positive pole. According to Chinese medicine the two poles on a magnet produce completely different benefits.

To allow the “qi – energy to enter the body, the negative pole should be turned towards the body. This opens and allows energy to flow freely thus promoting health.”

Some of The Possible Health Benefits From Wearing Magnetic Jewellery:

  • Balancing your PH
  • Getting rid of parasites
  • Relieving joint pains
  • Stopping headaches
  • Relieving the pain from fibromyalgia
  • Increased oxygen production
  • Ridding the body of free radicals and microorganisms
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Foot pain
  • Nerve pain caused by diabetes
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cancer
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Incontinence and more

Furthermore Chinese medicine teaches the positive pole should rarely face the body. The affects of a positive pole facing the body can be very dangerous. Unless your body is alkaline, as a precautionary measure never wear the positive side of the bracelet facing your skin, the positive side of the magnet my cause you to have insomnia, drain oxygen that stored, and multiply free radicals in the blood.

The 2 Theories of How Magnetic Therapy Works:

1) The magnetic piece of jewellery blocks the transmission that there is pain somewhere in the body,

2) Blood flow is increased in the area where there is pain and help heal the cause of the pain.

To test its merits doctors an alternative practitioners have tapped magnets in areas where the patient complained of pain, and many patients report that the pain was either gone or greatly reduced.

On the other hand, non-magnets were tapped on some patients and they reported the same thing pain was either gone or greatly reduced. The result is the placebo effect; people believed that the magnets would work so even when magnets weren’t used the patient didn’t feel any pain.

Wearing a magnet bracelet, bangle, or necklace can be an effective natural choice to deal with pain associated with various ailments. Since magnets increase blood flow there are reports that some people experience heavier or painful menstrual cycles, nausea, diarrhea, and a feeling of fuzzy.

There is no known research that has proved these side effects are directly caused by wearing magnetized jewellery. People that wear pacemakers and defibrillators are also cautioned to use magnets cautiously because magnets may interfere with the device and make them not work.

Magnetic Jewellery For Men and Women

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